A Hidden Surprise in my Book’s Illustrations

Besides adding some of my favorite people to the illustrations in my book, I also hid something else for you. I included lots of little butterflies for my readers to find.

Hidden Butterflies

In my first illustration, I happened to draw a small butterfly. In a couple other illustrations, I added in a few more. At the time, I wasn’t trying to hide butterflies for you to find. But after I had drawn several, I decided to hide them throughout the book.

Creating a game

As I kept adding the butterflies, I made some of them harder to find. I even went back to some of my first drawings to add them in different places. I didn’t want the butterflies to be too easy to find, but I also didn’t want them to be so hidden it was impossible for younger kids to find them. I hope that it will be extra fun for my readers, both kids and adults, to look through the book and try to find all of the butterflies.

Final count?

You didn’t think I’d give away the answer to that question so easily, did you? If I would reveal the final count of how many butterflies I included, that would ruin all the fun. But don’t worry. I won’t leave you hanging! I have created a free answer key to find the butterflies that you will be able to download. You’ll find that link to the free answer key in my book.

To find all the butterflies I’ve hidden, you’ll want to read my book. If you want to know the minute my book goes live, you can leave me your info below. That way, I can send you a quick note as soon as it’s out.

Also, make sure you follow our Talya Press, LLC page on Facebook and talya_press on Instagram so you get in on the fun giveaways we’ll be running! You won’t want to miss out!

Read my previous posts if you want to catch up on the whole story!

  1. How to Turn a Big Idea into Reality: Choose the Right Tools
  2. How to Turn a Big Idea into Reality: Set Clear Goals and Get to Work
  3. How to Turn a Big Idea into Reality: Organize All Those Thoughts
  4. From Layout to Proof Copy: Designing and Editing my Children’s Book
  5. From Layout to Proof Copy: Taking a Trip Around the “Reading Circle”
  6. When a Child’s Big Idea Grows Up
  7. Norwegians and Nana: Creating my Book Dedication
  8. Friends and Family: The Faces of Inspiration

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